E-Poster Presentation
An e-poster (electronic poster) is a well-crafted informative poster (consisting texts, punchlines with related image graphics) in a digital multimedia format like MS PowerPoint or PDF.
Steps for E-Poster Orientation
All posters should be set in portrait-style orientation with all information (i.e. text, data, photos, and figures) within one window/slide.
In the e-poster designed in PowerPoint (PPT), all information must be within ONE (1) slide only with a Custom size having width of 50 cm, and height of 90 cm with a Portrait (vertical) orientation. You may save your PPT in PDF format.
Other Important Information for E-Poster
The language for the e-poster must be English.
Keep space for Poster Number
Title or heading of the poster must be meaningful matching with the subject matter (abstract).
The photos (with 300 dpi resolution) of the authors(s) must be placed at the extreme top right corner of the poster.
Authors’ names with affiliated institutes must be well-marked with a superscript numeric number.
Arial fonts throughout the poster would be good with 1.3-1.5 meter distance.
Please use 2-3 colors all over the layout with light background.
Graphics and tables must be well organized.
Put the contact details so that interested delegates can contact you.
Instructions for E-Poster Preparation
Here are some general instructions for you with regard to an e-poster presentation at GSF:
After acceptance of the poster (which will be notified by the Scientific Committee), the presenter must submit the poster electronically before the deadline. Paper-based work will not be accepted.
Posters must be in digital formats for displaying only on high-resolution [1080*1920pxl] monitors.
Submission of e-poster
The committee will only accept posters in ppt/pdf formats.
Send your e-posters to sodveloncon2023@gmail.com
You must submit the poster before the deadline.